Monday, January 21, 2013

Self Compassion & Resilience and The Mindfulness Prescription

CHADD Meeing - Jan 20, 2013 

Speaker For Adult Group:
Chris Fraser, LISW
Effective Strength Based Therapy

Chris covered many concepts.  Much of what he talked about stemmed from The Mindfulness Prescription, which is a book by author Lidia Zylowska. Concepts include...

Firstly, he gave us a handout on Mistakes Are Delicate by John F. Taylor.  See the bottom of this post...

Did anyone teach you how to pay attention?  You were just told to pay attention.
ADHD = Not being able to pay attention to boring crap.

People with ADHD in today's society would have done well as hunters in an earlier time.  This concept is covered in the book by author Thom Hartmann titled Attention Deficit Disorder: A Different Perception.  Another book by the same author on the topic is The Edison Gene.

Chris did a couple mindfulness exercises with us to help demonstrate how to slow down and take notice of details that would normally be overlooked. 
  • Pay attention to your breathing, it can help bring you back to observe what is going on.  You are always breathing therefore can be used as a grounding agent. 
  • Regularly bring your mind back to the present moment. If you create stop signs for yourself, you can start to create new neural pathways for your brain to follow.
  • Those of us with ADHD need to make an effort to slow down and find stillness.

Another helpful book is Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life by Dr. Steven Hayes.  The New Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (A New Harbinger Self-Help Workbook)
Open yourself up and forgive yourself.  We all come from greatness.  by Debra E. Burdick

Why Water Weeds?  Negative reinforcement with our children is just like watering weeds.  Praise them for the good that they do.  Even if it is sitting still for a very short time.

Mistakes are…DELICATE
By John F. Taylor, PhD 

Preventing Perfectionism by Encouraging a Healthy Attitude toward Mistakes

“Your mistakes are…”
D - Decreasing
  “Look how far you’ve come.”
  “Things will get easier as you continue to practice.”
E - Expected
  “That’s why pencils have erasers:
  “Everybody makes mistakes; nobody is perfect”
L - Learning Tools
  “Success means any forward progress”
  “What can you learn from this experience for next time?”
I - Incompletions
  “You didn’t run out of talent; you just ran out of time.”
  “You’re just not done with it yet; we’ll work on it again later.”
C - Caused
  “Let’s see what’s giving you the trouble here.”
  “Every mistake has a cause.”
A - Accidental
  “You can’t do a mistake on purpose.”
  “All mistakes are just accidents”
T - Temporary
  “You’re just not ready for this right now.”
  “This doesn’t mean that you can’t do it better later.”
E - Effort Proofs
  “Mistakes only prove you’re trying.”
  “Mistakes are benchmarks on the path of effort.”